It's not exactly bad, but it's far from good. It's a good start, I dunno if I've said this to you before or not but... Keep on creating more songs, and even if they sound like crap you're always going to learn something from every song you make. Eventually you'll start to make really good music. I've been making music for almost 4 1/2 years now, and I'm still not "professional sounding". Electronic music takes time to master, time to learn. Keep at it. Don't give up, ever. Just keep on making more songs! Learn, learn, and learn! So much to learn! And so much fun in the process.
Also just to add this in here somewhere, once you find a genre that you enjoy producing, stick with it. Learn the structure, study other peoples work to get ideas and concepts down. Always start with the basics, and then slowly add on.
I hope this helps a little bit, it's mostly just me ranting on. And don't be offended, I promise you if you stick with it, you'll reach the goal you wanna reach.
Produce on!
-DJ T3chnic